Thursday, 19 June 2014

This is Mega "Divorce Corp"

This documentary tells of a grassroots movement to reform the family law system in the USA.

Please watch the video and then think about whether you can bring this movie to your locality so people can help themselves and other people in their community in the matter of divorce

you can even organise a showing of the movie in your area yourself

e Film
'Divorce Corp': buy or download the book and the film.
More money flows through the family courts, and into the hands of courthouse insiders, than in all other court systems in America combined – over $50 billion a year and growing. Through extensive research and interviews with the nation’s top divorce lawyers, mediators, judges, politicians, litigants and journalists, DIVORCE CORP. uncovers how children are torn from their homes, unlicensed custody evaluators extort money, and abusive judges play god with people’s lives while enriching their friends. This explosive documentary reveals the family courts as unregulated, extra-constitutional fiefdoms. Rather than assist victims of domestic crimes, these courts often precipitate them. And rather than help parents and children move on, as they are mandated to do, these courts - and their associates - drag out cases for years, sometimes decades, ultimately resulting in a rash of social ills, including home foreclosure, bankruptcy, suicide and violence. Solutions to the crisis are sought out in countries where divorce is handled in a more holistic manner.

Buy the Book and the Movie

Divorce Corp is the centerpiece of a nationwide grassroots movement to reform the US family law system. If you missed Divorce Corp in your local theater, you can buy the book and the movie on our store page. You can also contact us to find out about organizing a special screening and share the film with your community!"

This is the website:-
This is the video:-

DIVORCED? Don’t Remarry Until You Read This

This is one of the best articles I have ever read.  Read, digest & act.  Off you go!

You may think you know more the second time around, but statistics prove you don’t. In fact, there’s something about the decline and fall of a marriage that keeps folks from learning from their mistakes. Making remarriage work takes much more than you think.
Americans are an optimistic lot. Perhaps nowhere is our optimism more apparent than in our approach to marriage. For one of every two of us, certifiable love can be expected to end in tears. Still, 90% of Americans marry. Indeed, surveys consistently show that for virtually all of us, men as well as women, marriage holds an honored place on our wish list, something we believe is necessary for attaining life happiness—or its slightly wiser sibling, fulfillment.
If our optimism steers us into marriage, it goes into overdrive with remarriage. Despite disappointment, pain, disruption, and sometimes even the destruction of divorce, most of us opt to get back on the horse. An astonishing 70% of the broken-hearted get married all over again. If you count among the remarried those who merge lives and even households without legal ratification, the de facto remarriage rate is much closer to 80%. Americans don’t divorce to get out of marriage. Yet a whopping 60% of remarriages fail. And they do so even more quickly than first marriages.
If the divorce and remarriage rates prove one thing, it’s that conventional wisdom is wrong. The dirty little secret is experience doesn’t count when it comes to marriage/remarriage. A prior marriage actually decreases the odds of a second marriage working. Ditto if you count as a first marriage its beta version; three decades of a persistently high divorce rate have encouraged couples to test their relationship by living together before getting married. But even the increasingly common experience of prior cohabitation actually dims the likelihood of marital success.