You can get a divorce if you have been married at least a year
and your relationship has irretrievably (permanently) broken down.
You must have a marriage that is legally recognised in the UK,
and have a permanent home in England or Wales.
There are 3 main steps to getting divorced:
- File a divorce petition - you have to apply to the courtfor permission to divorce, and show reasons why you wantthe marriage to end.
- Apply for a decree nisi - if your spouse agrees to thepetition, you’ll get a document saying there’s no reasonyou can’t divorce.
- Apply for a decree absolute - this legally ends yourmarriage - you need to wait 6 weeks after you get thedecree nisi before you can apply.
Arrange your own divorce
You may be able to arrange your own divorce without involving
solicitors if you agree on:
- the reasons for a divorce
- how you’ll look after any children
- how you’ll split up money, property and possessions
If you agree on these things beforehand, you won’t have to go
to a court hearing, and the divorce paperwork should be fairly
Get free advice on getting a divorce fromCitizens Advice.
more information at :-
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