Thursday, 12 September 2013

Attacking your own Liver

Well I am going to admit it - I drank so much alcohol after my husband left me.  I don't really know how I am still alive!  I will elaborate more in another post but for now please read this lady's story......Just so you know what you might be doing to your liver if you hit the bottle in response to your separation/divorce, or any other stressful life event.

I would like to thank this lady so much for sharing this experience with us.  It must have been really hard to go through and really hard to admit to.

Cirrhosis - 'I haven't touched a drop for three years now'

"I used to work as a practice manager for two GPs and found my job very stressful. I had problems with one of the doctors and became very stressed and anxious about going into work.
"I'd come home at night really wound up and it became a running joke that my husband would greet me at the door with a glass of wine. I drank heavily for around six months back in 2004, getting through a bottle and a half of wine a night.
"Even though I didn't know it then, I already had symptoms of liver failure. Towards the end of that six-month period, I had swollen ankles, but just thought it was because I was on my feet all day.
"I was also being sick every day, but again I put that down to nerves and anxiety about work. I wasn't eating much and didn't feel hungry, but I carried on drinking every night.


Well it's all about pain really, isn't it?  Deep, all-consuming, physical, abiding pain.   How to stop the pain you are going through 24/7.   Heal a Broken Heart is something that may be relevant to you.  Please follow this link to find out about it. 

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