My husband and I are getting divorced, what are the chances of me keeping the family home - and what do we do if I can't?
I am separating from my husband and at present I live in the family home with our two younger teenage daughters, the eldest is at university and only comes home during holidays.
What are the chances of staying in the family home with my children? I am working and as I do not need to pay for childcare I would just about be able to afford the mortgage. However, the house is our only large marital asset.
If, as part of the split, it has to be sold would there be a capital gains liability, as this would affect how much equity both of us would receive? If I have custody of the children will I be entitled to a larger share? T.A via email
Dispute: At the heart of most bitter divorce cases is the problem of money
Linda McKay of This is Money replies: At the heart of most bitter divorce cases is the problem of money.
If you can come to some agreement over this early on you can look forward to a more amicable future relationship for yourself, your daughters and their father.
I asked one of our legal experts for insight over your concern for the family home.
Robin Charrot, family partner at national law firm Mills & Reeve, replies: You won't be able to stay in your home forever, but you might be able to do so while your daughters still live with you.
Firstly, try asking your husband to agree to postpone any sale until your daughters have left home. If he has their interests at heart, and if you approach him in the right way (I would recommend mediation or collaborative law), he may well agree.
If he doesn't, you will need to convince a judge that postponing the sale is the best way of providing a home for your daughters until they leave. If your home is not too big (a three bed semi-detached or smaller), or if you can show that right now you can't afford to sell, split the equity and buy a big enough house for you and your daughters, you have a good chance of winning.
If the sale is postponed, there will be extra issues to sort out, like, when exactly is it going to be sold?
Who benefits from you paying the mortgage? Who pays for maintenance or repairs? Who benefits from increases in value?
Who benefits from you paying the mortgage? Who pays for maintenance or repairs? Who benefits from increases in value?
You shouldn't have to pay capital gains tax, assuming your home is your principal private residence.
If the sale is postponed for a long time, your husband might have to pay some capital gains tax.
You are not automatically entitled to a larger slice of the equity just because your daughters are living with you.
After all, your husband should be paying you child maintenance. However, there are other reasons why you might get more than half; for example, if you are entitled to claim maintenance for yourself but instead take a larger share of the house, or if your husband keeps more than half of other assets such as his pension.
Linda Mckay adds: You may want to seek independent legal advice alone before going into mediation with your estranged spouse.
Equip yourself with knowledge of all the legal rights you may have then expect to compromise.
Flexibility over financial arrangements and custody and communication are key to smoothing the separation.
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