This page helps to dispel some common myths about Child Maintenance and has been put together with the help of Child Maintenance Options, a free and confidential support service for parents.
Myth 1: I don’t think that child maintenance makes a difference to a child
Child maintenance is regular, reliable financial support that helps towards a child's everyday living expenses. An effective child maintenance arrangement can make a significant difference to a child’s well-being, because it can help create a more stable environment for them.
Children get a better start in life when both parents work together and focus on what’s best for their children. When parents make their own financial arrangements, this often helps them to agree on other aspects of their child’s life.
Myth 2: I have to use the Child Maintenance Service to arrange child maintenance
You and the other parent can decide between yourselves how much child maintenance should be paid, and how often it is paid, as long as you both agree. A family-based arrangement can give parents the flexibility to change how much is paid depending on circumstances.
If you’re not sure how much child maintenance should be paid, you can ask Child Maintenance Options to help you estimate an amount. You can then use this amount as a basis for working together to agree your family-based arrangement.
If a Child Maintenance Service arrangement is put in place, once money is passed to the receiving parent, it is their responsibility to decide how to spend it. So if at all possible, you should try and work together with the other parent to decide the best way of providing financially for your children.
You can contact Child Maintenance Options on 0800 988 0988 or for more information, support and guidance on child maintenance.
Myth 3: I’ve tried to arrange a family-based arrangement and it didn’t work
If you cannot make a family-based arrangement work, you can apply to the Child Maintenance Service who will work out the amount of child maintenance that must be paid.
The Child Support Agency no longer accepts new applications. However, it will continue to manage existing cases on the 1993 and 2003 schemes.
Myth 4: I don’t think the Child Maintenance Service will take my personal circumstances into account
The Child Maintenance Service does consider personal circumstances when it works out how much child maintenance should be paid. This includes things like:
- the paying parent’s gross income (the amount they earn before tax, national insurance and pension contributions are taken off)
- the number of children eligible for child maintenance
- how often those children stay overnight with the paying parent
- if there are any other children who the paying parent (or their partner) get child benefit for
- if the paying parent also pays child maintenance for any other children
Myth 5: I’m not going to bother trying to arrange any maintenance, because it will just be taken from my benefits anyway
Child maintenance is not taken into account when claiming benefits. However, some local councils may take any child maintenance you get into account if you apply for help with your council tax.
Myth 6: I’ve heard the Child Maintenance Service will charge me to use their services
The Government introduced fees and charges in 2014 for using the Child Maintenance Service. You can find more information here.
There are no fees and charges to pay if both parents work together and arrange child maintenance through a family-based arrangement, instead of using the Child Maintenance Service or the courts.
Myth 7: I’ve heard that the CSA is closing – what do I have to do?
From 2014 the CSA will be closing all child maintenance arrangements on its 1993 and 2003 schemes. If you are affected, you will get a letter up to 6 months beforehand, giving you a chance to put a new arrangement in place. Parents will be encouraged to think about making their own family-based arrangement, while those who can’t will be able to make an application to the Child Maintenance Service.
Parents will be offered help and support through this change to help them make the child maintenance arrangement that’s right for them. We expect it to take about 3 years to contact every parent and end all CSA arrangements.
Myth 8: When it comes to child maintenance, there’s no-one I can talk to
Child Maintenance Options is a free service for separating or separated parents, and anyone else with an interest in child maintenance. It can help you to:
- understand your options if you don’t already have a child maintenance arrangement or your current arrangement isn’t working as well as you’d like.
- help you to understand how much child maintenance should be paid – whether that’s through a family-based arrangement or the Child Maintenance Service.
It can also help you deal with other issues linked to child maintenance, such as housing, work, money and emotional wellbeing by putting you in touch with other helpful groups that offer specialist advice.
You can contact Child Maintenance Options on 0800 988 0988 or for more information, support and guidance on child maintenance.
Myth No. 9: I never see my kids so I don’t have to pay child maintenance
In the eyes of the law, access to or contact with your children is a separate issue from the payment of child maintenance.
Most parents would agree that the most important thing is the welfare of the children. What’s more, research has shown that paying child maintenance often leads to an improvement in the quality of family relationships.
So, even if you don’t see your kids as much as you or they might like, you should still contribute to their upbringing by paying child maintenance regularly.
Further help
Call Child Maintenance Options on freephone 0800 988 0988, from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and from 9am to 4pm Saturday
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