Monday, 6 April 2015

Divorcing Women: Don't Fall Victim To Your Husband's Tax Shenanigans

It’s that time of year again: Americans everywhere are gathering their tax documents, visiting their accountants, filling out the proper forms, and submitting their income tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service. The process isn’t necessarily “easy.” Every year, the tax code seems to get increasingly nuanced and complicated, and if you’re a divorcing woman, you could be facing additional unique challenges, as well.

The potential tax trouble for you as a divorcing woman primarily lies in filing a joint return with your husband. It’s could be dangerous financially, because if it should come to light later that taxes have been underpaid, it won’t matter to the IRS which of you was responsible. If the return was filed jointly, the government can go after you both… even if you didn’t personally earn one dime of the reported income! What’s more, you will still be liable for errors and omissions in joint tax returns even after your divorce.

Some women insist that their divorce settlement agreements should include a provision that if there are tax issues to be rectified down the road, their ex-husbands are responsible. On the surface, that sounds reasonable, and you can certainly hope that your husband would abide by such a provision. Understand, however, that the IRS is not bound by your divorce settlement agreement, no matter what it says about who is responsible for taxes. As far as the government is concerned, if you’ve signed the tax return, you own the consequences… and if taxes are owed, you can be sure they will come after you, as well as your ex, for payment.

This can be a tremendous burden if your husband has underreported income, hidden assets, and/or claimed improper deductions or tax credits, or engaged in other dishonest shenanigans. Taxes, interest, and penalties can quickly add up to staggering amounts, and you could find yourself owing the federal (and your state) government many thousands of dollars through no fault of your own.

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