To use the divorce calculator you need to register (its free and takes 2 minutes). Once you have registered, log on and make your way back here. A "Start Calculator" button will appear on this page. Disclaimer: You should take legal advice on your financial position before you make any decisions about a financial settlement. Do not rely on the results of the divorce calculator.The calculator provides only a very rough indication and the ambiguity of the law plus the limited data it uses as input means that the results may not be accurate and should be treated with caution.
For example: if the wife has disabilities or serious health issues then that may significantly affect the settlement and that would not be factored in to the calculators results.
Source:- | | Local solicitors tend to be reluctant to provide an indication of a fair settlement wihout going through a lengthy full financial disclosure process that takes months and costs thousands of pounds. We know how important it is for you to have some idea of what is fair before you start negotiations with your spouse or go along to mediation service to discuss finances. So we have come up with a comprehensive consultation service that cuts out all of the unnecessary bureaucracy and gets straight down to working out what is fair, based on the financial information that you provide to us.
This service can be completed in just a few weeks, can be done with or without the co-operation of your spouse and costs just £199.
More on Legal Advice on Financial Settlement. |
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