Is Your Marriage Headed for Divorce?
It stinks. It just really stinks. Your marriage is a continual nightmare. It's
not that there's physical abuse or screaming matches. It's just that you
resent your partner. You feel they tricked you. They faked who they
truly were while you were dating. And as the years go by, you all
drifted apart. There are a lot more bad times than good. The kids
know you and mom don't really like each other and they use that
against you. You haven't had sex, at least the way it's supposed to be,
in ages. You find yourself wishing you were with other women.
You know you probably shouldn't divorce, but it seems like if you
don't, you'll never be happy. You feel trapped. What do you do?
If the above describes you, then this online course is for you. There's
only one requirement - you have to be totally honest with yourself.
You have to quit assuming she's the only one to blame. You have to
admit you may need some help. And you might be the first one who
needs to change. It won't be easy. But nothing ever worth having
ever is. Of course every situation is unique. These lessons focus on
what you can do as a man. They cannot change the motivations or
reactions by your wife. Not all of these lessons may apply to you
nor will this course guarantee that your marriage won't end in divorce.
But it can be a start. At the end of this lesson you'll be able to e-mail
us for further help - including a network of counselors available to you.
Let's get started.
Lesson 1.-Divorce is not an option
The first step in avoiding a divorce is not making it an option for you.
Sounds simple enough, eh? There's so much in the world pulling at
you to separate from a spouse who isn't making you happy. Divorce
lawyers plaster their billboards all over the highway. Many television
shows trivialize marriage and commitment.
Friends are nudging you to put away the hag and get on with your life.
Yet deep down, you know divorce can't be least in most
cases. But you don't feel you have the inner strength to keep going.
Well, you do with God's help. And here's some encouraging news.
Recent studies have shown that out of the couples who were
contemplating divorce and then decided not to go through with
it, 80% stated that they were "happily married" five years later.
80%! That's awesome. In other words, most couples who are
approaching the brink of separation but commit not to do it work
through the issues and become happier and closer.
So here's step one: divorce should never come into your mind as
a solution. You should never bring up the subject of divorce with
your spouse. Your kids should never fear that you and mom will
separate. Instead your attitude should be "whatever it takes."
And that starts with you, the man. Pledge yourself to do
what's necessary to revitalize your marriage and make that
a commitment that comes before work. Before friends.
Before football. We've got tools to help you do it. But
you've got to have the resolve. And commitment.
Lesson 2 - Admit You're Wrong Too
When's the last time you had a heart-to-heart conversation
with your spouse that didn't erupt in arguing or you walking
away feeling frustrated? It's been a while, hasn't it? Well
the first step in saving your marriage is rebuilding that
communication. And this may take some time. You need to
go to your wife, hat in hand, and apologize for the things
you've done to distance yourself from her.
Write down your sins beforehand and give them some
thought. You don't have to take the entire blame. But
'fess up, and be specific, about what you have done wrong.
Say it with humility and tact. Don't expect her to necessarily
start apologizing for her mistakes right away. Tell her you're
committed to her and will do whatever is necessary to get
things right. Tell her you love her. This can be very hard if
you don't feel like loving her at all. But remember, love is a
commitment, not a feeling. Ask her if she'll forgive you and
if you all can start the process of healing.
If you're really ticked off that I suggested all this, you
probably have identified a major source of marital problems
- male pride. You know how very few men admit when
they're wrong? We're so prideful! And, as the Bible says,
pride comes before the fall. Pride destroys. You may feel
you're only responsible for 25% of the marital problems,
but it's that 25% you can admit to your wife in areas
you've failed.
You know a great thing about most women? They're really
compassionate. You may think somehow that compassion
gene skipped your wife, but most of them have it in there
somewhere. It's just been buried under a mountain of
resentment. But once you're man enough to admit your
mistakes, her compassion can well up and overflow on to
your relationship. Do you have any idea how much women
love and admire men who can admit their mistakes? You
will be amazed at how such a simple principle will revitalize
your marriage. So are you man enough to admit your
mistakes to your wife? Are you willing to be vulnerable
with her? If not, the outlook on your marriage is not good.
If you're willing to be the first and fastest to admit when
you've sinned, your marriage can blossom. The choice is
Lesson 3 - Start Being Romantic Again
Ok, now that you've admitted your part in hurting the
marriage relationship, what's next? Love her in word
and deeds. Your wife may be shell-shocked that
you actually admitted you're wrong sometimes and
may not know what to say! So start telling her you
love her. Call her periodically throughout the day. Pick
her up a card on the way home. In other words,
WHILE YOU WERE DATING! You know why it
was so good back then? Because you put in so much
more effort. Granted, so did she, but as the man,
you've got to take the initiative to put romance back
into your marriage.
What's so great about romance? Well it goes straight
into the heart of your wife. Women are wired to be
romantic. Men are wired to be sexual. Let's be honest,
the reason most of us were romantic while dating is
because we knew some day we could get great sex.
And you know how powerful your drive for sex is.
Well your wife is driven by a similar power, but it's
romance. If your sex life stinks now and seems
sporadic, unimaginative and boring, your wife not
only thinks that about the sex, but more about the
romance. Are you being romantic and creative?
Or is it just a ritualistic Valentine's Day card?
Women are romantic. They want to be romanced.
If you want to meet her where she's at, you've got to
improve in this area. You may not understand it. You
don't have to. Just do it.
Lesson 4 - Repair the Bridges
Now we're making some progress. You've admitted
your faults and have started being romantic. Now she's
cracking and beginning to express more warmth to you.
You all are starting to have real conversations again.
You've broken the ice. You're on your way to a happier
The communication lines are open - now it's time to repair
some bridges. Take turns sharing the areas of frustration
each of you have. The other person should just listen
and not object. That will be hard. It goes against our
nature again - pride. Find out areas of disagreements
and work out solutions to them. Pepper each other
with encouragement and compliments. Tell her she's
beautiful. Talk about some fun things you can do
together. Tell her she's beautiful. Share some good
memories. Tell her she's beautiful. Get the point?
You don't have to pretend problems aren't there in the
marriage. You just have to put yourself in the right
position to address those problems. By being apologetic
for your mistakes and being romantic, your wife is much
more able to listen. It may take a while, but you can be
confident it can happen.
When you start to talk about problem areas, use "when
you, I feel" statements. Don't hammer her and tell her
she's dumb about money and stinks at driving. Instead
say something like: "When you spend a lot of money
without asking me, I feel you're putting our family at
greater financial risk." Then let her respond. Have her
do the same with you. The point is not to attack the
person but attack the problem. Clothe yourself with
humility. And just tackle a few problems at a time.
It can be quite overwhelming to fix all the problems
that have built up over years of resentment.
Lesson 5 - Spend Time Together
After you've admitted your shortcomings, been
romantic, and tackled problems, it's time to spend
more time together. And it won't be so hard
because you will actually enjoy it now. Plan
scheduled time to do shared activities. Maybe it's
Saturday morning yard work or Thursday night
dinner. Turn off the tube and go out and do
something! Volunteering at a church or charity will
do wonders for your marriage.
If you look over your marriage and think about
how you all might have been headed for divorce,
you probably realize you all drifted apart, not
sprinted apart. Spouses lose the romance and fire
of love because they don't have time to rekindle
it. And it could be for seemingly valid reasons.
The kids need to be picked up at soccer practice.
Clients need to be taken to the airport. We live in
a time-consuming society. There's something
always pressing. And if you just plan to give your
spouse the "left-overs" in time, you both will be
feeling left out.
You have to be deliberate. Granted your kids
take up a lot of your free time. But you need to
have specific, "wife-only" time that nothing gets
in the way of. Drop the kids off at a parent's or
friend's house and take off for the weekend.
As much as you love your kids, you've only got
them in the house for 18 years. You have your
wife for the rest of your life. Your relationship
with your wife comes first, before the kids.
And your relationship with your kids will grow
stronger when they see your marriage growing
stronger. The best thing you can do for your
children is passionately loving their mother.
Also, set aside specific times for devotions
and prayer. God has joined you and your wife
together. He is the Author of love and marital
harmony. Deepening your relationship with
Him is the key and foundation of a successful
marriage. If you haven't cracked open a Bible
in a while, start. Find I Corinthians 13 and give
it a read. It's the perfect blueprint for your
Lesson 6 - Conclusion
Your marriage will always have problems. But
the difference is how couples handle the problems.
For healthy marriages, problems can actually bring
couples closer together in the end because they've
worked through them together. You can save your
marriage. You can be one of the 80% By admitting
your faults, being romantic, sharing problems and
spending time together, you can become a happier
and healthier couple. But it starts with you. And it
starts today. What are you waiting for?
Go talk to your wife.
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