Sunday, 26 October 2014

My Marriage Stinks...Ready To Hear Feedback?

This is really interesting.......  I only picked one answer to this, the one I thought was the most intriguing.


My marriage stinks...ready to hear feedback? 

I have been married for over 10 years. And I am at the point of leaving. I have two kids. (6 and 4 years old). We have an argument at least everyday, our interests have changed, and more and more I feel we have absolutely nothing in common. (A big portion of him still feel that he needs to be drinking with the boys in order to have fun)
I no longer desire sex from my be quite honest.....I want no part of that anymore...and a part of me is no longer attracted to him. He has never don't anything to harm me or my kids. He actually does more than expected. He cleans, does laundry,..cooks,.....He definitely pulls his weight. However, something has gone missing over the last 3-4 years. I have told him on many occasions, that I'm not very happy...but we just live the same routine every day. We aslo struggle financially, I'm sure that doesn't help the situation.
Most times when I take the kids and do my own thing things run very smooth...and I tend to be happier. Shouldn't I be with someone that has the same interests as me...and that I am physically attracted to? My spouse has sexual needs,...and I am not filling them. But I'm just not interested. It seems like we just live together, and take care of the kids. Other than that......something has really gone missing from my end. I am prepared to bail and live with my mom until I get back on my feet....but I don't want to Jump the gun......but I guess what am I waiting for...things don't magically happen...any feedback is appreciated. by the way I am 38 and my spouse is 40. 

And the answer I thought most intriguing?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Happy new year i had relationship struggles in the past which led to a break up with my ex. I later came across an article on how love spells can restore broken relationship. I got this email address and ordered a love spell, to my greatest surprise my Partner came back into my arms :) hopefully this helps someone out there too. contact him via
